The database cannot be opened because it is version 661

08.05.2010 · The database 'ASPNETDB.MDF' cannot be opened because it is version 655. This server supports version 612 and earlier.
visual studio 2010 - DB cannot be opened.
visual studio 2010 - DB cannot be opened.
windows update cannot currently check for.
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Cannot read SQL Server 2008 database.
21.05.2012 · I had the same issue - "Windows update cannot currently check for updates because the service is not running. You may need to restart your computer."
The database 'ASPNETDB.MDF' cannot be.
The database cannot be opened because it is version 661
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04.05.2010 · I totally agree with you CBHCMC, It would be nice if someone would post a real solution. I do have a VS2010 Ultimate, installed SQL Server 2008 R2 and I do
20.02.2012 · Sql. MDF File version. Product version . Sql7. 515 . Sql2000. 539 . Sql2005sp1. 611 . Sql2005sp2. 612 . Sql2008sp1(dev10sp1) 655 . sql2008sp2 . Sql2008sp3
Your SQL Server Express instance is version 2008 and the database is from 2008 R2. You'll have to upgrade to SQL Server Express 2008 R2 to restore the database.
History Edit Project 13. Superboy is a clone grafted with Superman's DNA (as opposed to a younger version of Superman), who was introduced in 1993.
The database cannot be opened because it is version 661 mvc 3 - Database "cannot be.
From a quick google it would seem that you are connecting to a 2005 instance not a 2008 instance I think? – Martin Smith Mar 4 '11 at 12:44