Xp home security tab missing

Missing Security Tab in Windows XP.
Windows XP: "Sharing" tab missing Windows XP PRO, it's nothing obvious! - Read Windows XP discussions and get tips and advice on this topic and others on CNET Forums.
Xp home security tab missing
Folder Security Tab MissingHow to Enable Disable Missing Security.
Security Tab In Properties Is Missing In Safe Mode Xp Home - posted in Windows XP - All Editions: Hi, I'm hoping someone with alot more computer knowledge than me can
"Sharing" tab missing Windows XP PRO,.
Security Tab Windows XP
Security Tab In Properties Is Missing In.
Process: 1. Open "My Computer" 2. Click on the "Folder options" on the "Tools" of the Menubar. Also See: How to enable or Disable permanently appear menubar in
Missing Security Tab in Windows XP. If you have Windows XP, and your hard drive is formatted as NTFS, you can set permissions on files so that only users you specify

Windows Security Tab
Xp home security tab missing