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A yellow glass containing more than 1% uranium oxide dating back to 79 AD was found near Naples in Italy. Klaproth recognized an unknown element in pitchblende and
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uranium ore - definition of uranium ore.
WebElements Periodic Table of the.
Uranium is a radioactive element that occurs naturally in low concentrations (a few parts per million) in soil, rock, and surface and groundwater.
Uranium is a silvery-white metallic chemical element in the actinide series of the periodic table, with symbol U and atomic number 92. A uranium atom has 92 protons
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Ux Consulting (UxC) publishes world nuclear fuel prices, uranium (U3O8), conversion (UF6) and enrichment (SWU), and handles all aspects of the nuclear fuel market
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noun Chemistry . a white, lustrous, radioactive, metallic element, occurring in pitchblende, and having compounds that are used in photography and in coloring glass